There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Arcane Boots 2.850713 -1.078117
Aghanim'S Shard 2.433590 -1.005088
Aghanim'S Scepter 2.567953 1.039718
Glimmer Cape 1.626010 -0.457372
Refresher Orb 1.091708 1.623948
Magic Wand 0.639030 -1.698862
Aether Lens 0.322561 -0.366086
Hand Of Midas -0.221779 -0.420858
Force Staff -0.231384 -0.420858
Aeon Disk -0.220771 0.163372
Octarine Core -0.229502 1.331833
Guardian Greaves -0.273483 1.660463
Null Talisman -0.419261 -1.658696
Shadow Blade -0.408442 0.163372
Heart Of Tarrasque -0.417193 1.696977
Solar Crest -0.463070 -0.256543
Bracer -0.528328 -1.658696
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.529094 -0.110486
Boots Of Travel -0.531057 -0.201771
Blink Dagger -0.557487 -0.384343
Holy Locket -0.556373 -0.274800
Pipe Of Insight -0.564717 0.437230
Linken'S Sphere -0.569619 1.331833
Mekansm -0.587865 -0.731230
Tranquil Boots -0.589156 -1.351975
Ethereal Blade -0.585410 1.368348
Lotus Orb -0.585006 0.784117
Spirit Vessel -0.610851 0.002709
Rod Of Atos -0.617294 -0.384343
Boots Of Bearing -0.614567 1.094490
Vladmir'S Offering -0.619855 -0.238286