There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Aghanim'S Scepter 2.567736 0.709159
Bracer 2.181686 -1.491561
Vladmir'S Offering 1.993642 -0.333130
Aghanim'S Shard 1.790849 -0.958504
Boots Of Bearing 1.748766 0.753829
Magic Wand 1.091495 -1.524318
Null Talisman 1.063669 -1.491561
Bloodthorn 1.117332 2.079026
Orchid Malevolence 0.539677 0.277354
Assault Cuirass 1.116406 1.260084
Tranquil Boots 0.317563 -1.241411
Drum Of Endurance -0.062135 -0.779826
Scythe Of Vyse -0.011560 1.513211
Gleipnir -0.418361 1.572771
Phylactery -0.486565 -0.377800
Pipe Of Insight -0.446182 0.217794
Arcane Boots -0.556530 -1.018063
Power Treads -0.581385 -0.958504
Black King Bar -0.549456 0.619820
Wraith Band -0.557499 -1.491561
Boots Of Travel -0.570398 -0.303351
Rod Of Atos -0.621635 -0.452249
Desolator -0.585222 0.292244
Guardian Greaves -0.656654 1.215414
Witch Blade -0.695997 -0.243791
Solar Crest -0.708473 -0.348020
Bottle -0.716502 -1.390310
Shiva'S Guard -0.700087 1.096296
Crimson Guard -0.722507 0.426252
Spirit Vessel -0.732589 -0.136584
Hand Of Midas -0.746718 -0.482029
Linken'S Sphere -0.720880 0.947397
Nullifier -0.727916 1.021846
Lotus Orb -0.730854 0.500701
Phase Boots -0.744108 -0.898945
Eternal Shroud -0.741565 0.054006
Eye Of Skadi -0.737043 1.364313