There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Aghanim'S Shard 3.634330 -1.016874
Magic Wand 2.991776 -1.606817
Guardian Greaves 3.434995 1.249746
Spirit Vessel 2.702354 -0.159905
Arcane Boots 1.552149 -1.078974
Force Staff 1.842371 -0.520081
Bracer 0.782523 -1.572662
Glimmer Cape 0.831170 -0.551130
Pipe Of Insight 0.876317 0.209585
Aghanim'S Scepter 0.635328 0.721903
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 0.497901 -0.256159
Tranquil Boots 0.064951 -1.311846
Hurricane Pike 0.148398 0.877151
Lotus Orb 0.183424 0.504556
Power Treads -0.138281 -1.016874
Solar Crest 0.063097 -0.380358
Urn Of Shadows -0.242467 -1.339790
Aether Lens -0.103608 -0.473506
Mekansm -0.333079 -0.784002
Rod Of Atos -0.163686 -0.489031
Shiva'S Guard -0.148218 1.125548
Boots Of Bearing -0.141875 0.768478
Veil Of Discord -0.363277 -0.939250
Aeon Disk -0.296879 -0.023287
Null Talisman -0.379950 -1.572662
Octarine Core -0.291109 0.970300
Wraith Band -0.409786 -1.572662
Hand Of Midas -0.428089 -0.520081
Blink Dagger -0.370112 -0.489031
Scythe Of Vyse -0.376526 1.560242
Gleipnir -0.402081 1.622342
Boots Of Travel -0.376687 -0.333783
Ethereal Blade -0.397706 1.001350
Heaven'S Halberd -0.435520 0.318258
Witch Blade -0.482846 -0.271684
Dragon Lance -0.497996 -0.706378
Orb Of Corrosion -0.486915 -1.311846
Linken'S Sphere -0.429012 0.970300
Shadow Blade -0.508103 -0.023287
Orchid Malevolence -0.497903 0.271684
Wind Waker -0.414836 2.352007
Vladmir'S Offering -0.443376 -0.364833
Crimson Guard -0.452151 0.426932
Bloodthorn -0.558622 2.150185
Drum Of Endurance -0.565590 -0.830577
Kaya And Sange -0.559216 0.659804
Black King Bar -0.582384 0.628754
Yasha And Kaya -0.583043 0.659804
Eye Of Skadi -0.582411 1.404994
Eternal Shroud -0.595444 0.038812
Meteor Hammer -0.569151 -0.395882
Blade Mail -0.617902 -0.582180
Heart Of Tarrasque -0.602359 1.280796
Maelstrom -0.644762 -0.209585
Phase Boots -0.633369 -0.954775
Mage Slayer -0.626013 -0.333783
Manta Style -0.623038 0.970300
Silver Edge -0.624164 1.498143
Bottle -0.637957 -1.467094
Refresher Orb -0.623585 1.218697