There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Aghanim'S Scepter 4.275782 0.829531
Aghanim'S Shard 3.157313 -1.020956
Magic Wand 2.574489 -1.648800
Power Treads 2.071239 -1.020956
Bracer 1.638569 -1.612451
Tranquil Boots 1.050430 -1.334878
Aether Lens 1.321725 -0.442679
Wraith Band 1.138439 -1.612451
Arcane Boots 0.501042 -1.087045
Manta Style 0.539936 1.093886
Force Staff 0.274054 -0.492246
Hurricane Pike 0.450140 0.994753
Dragon Lance 0.191162 -0.690512
Glimmer Cape 0.094226 -0.525290
Solar Crest 0.184908 -0.343546
Boots Of Bearing 0.164537 0.879097
Vladmir'S Offering 0.072320 -0.327024
Drum Of Endurance -0.241386 -0.822690
Butterfly -0.129923 1.341719
Spirit Vessel -0.347398 -0.108931
Echo Sabre -0.361282 -0.293979
Black King Bar -0.367002 0.730397
Sange And Yasha -0.383371 0.763442
Urn Of Shadows -0.488491 -1.364618
Null Talisman -0.461029 -1.612451
Desolator -0.454523 0.366909
Eye Of Skadi -0.415759 1.556508
Blink Dagger -0.449887 -0.459201
Shadow Blade -0.503857 0.036465
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.488781 -0.211368
Lotus Orb -0.473842 0.598220
Daedalus -0.475582 1.424330
Monkey King Bar -0.499038 1.292152
Battle Fury -0.526878 0.783268
Skull Basher -0.487891 -0.046146
Crystalys -0.519010 -0.690512
Pipe Of Insight -0.510616 0.284298
Guardian Greaves -0.503327 1.391286
Hand Of Midas -0.559905 -0.492246
Orb Of Corrosion -0.542953 -1.334878
Bottle -0.545582 -1.500100
Pavise -0.570036 -1.020956
Aeon Disk -0.530630 0.036465
Phylactery -0.546758 -0.376590
Silver Edge -0.541687 1.655641
Phase Boots -0.558232 -0.954868
Maelstrom -0.581072 -0.161802
Assault Cuirass -0.521509 1.440852
Boots Of Travel -0.524034 -0.293979
Linken'S Sphere -0.551992 1.093886
Harpoon -0.549079 1.027797
Orchid Malevolence -0.576900 0.350387
Satanic -0.568708 1.391286
Ethereal Blade -0.577425 1.126930
Mekansm -0.591292 -0.773123
Heaven'S Halberd -0.586698 0.399953
Gleipnir -0.586942 1.787819