There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Arcane Boots 2.861330 -1.054224
Blade Mail 2.847973 -0.497300
Guardian Greaves 3.089061 1.556358
Magic Wand 2.212399 -1.645956
Aghanim'S Shard 2.071373 -0.984608
Aghanim'S Scepter 1.900602 0.964626
Pipe Of Insight 1.629017 0.390298
Bracer 1.025242 -1.607667
Crimson Guard 0.971476 0.633952
Solar Crest 0.428142 -0.271049
Heart Of Tarrasque 0.362934 1.591166
Lotus Orb 0.218952 0.720972
Glimmer Cape -0.079893 -0.462492
Mekansm -0.238927 -0.723550
Shiva'S Guard 0.045884 1.417127
Force Staff -0.123548 -0.427684
Vanguard -0.306967 -0.775762
Soul Ring -0.252626 -1.398821
Holy Locket -0.191837 -0.288453
Black King Bar -0.343313 0.860203
Eternal Shroud -0.322222 0.198855
Aether Lens -0.377797 -0.375473
Spirit Vessel -0.383986 -0.023914
Harpoon -0.371505 1.173473
Heaven'S Halberd -0.398389 0.512125
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.443523 -0.131818
Octarine Core -0.404207 1.243088
Vladmir'S Offering -0.430873 -0.253645
Veil Of Discord -0.495207 -0.897589
Phase Boots -0.483862 -0.914993
Blink Dagger -0.487798 -0.392876
Radiance -0.497595 1.556358
Orb Of Corrosion -0.523213 -1.315282
Assault Cuirass -0.486973 1.608570
Rod Of Atos -0.535186 -0.392876
Aeon Disk -0.542358 0.129240
Echo Sabre -0.569747 -0.218838
Urn Of Shadows -0.594075 -1.346609
Pavise -0.594601 -0.984608
Power Treads -0.575448 -0.984608
Phylactery -0.590331 -0.305857
Boots Of Travel -0.560262 -0.218838
Null Talisman -0.598541 -1.607667
Sange And Yasha -0.585248 0.895011
Hand Of Midas -0.619270 -0.427684
Scythe Of Vyse -0.603581 1.904436
Refresher Orb -0.611551 1.521550
Linken'S Sphere -0.614538 1.243088
Tranquil Boots -0.641723 -1.315282
Ethereal Blade -0.628226 1.277896
Boots Of Bearing -0.631390 1.016838
Kaya And Sange -0.636144 0.895011
Drum Of Endurance -0.644449 -0.775762
Meteor Hammer -0.643459 -0.288453