There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Blink Dagger 3.795178 -0.522303
Aghanim'S Shard 3.176792 -0.984872
Power Treads 2.125312 -0.984872
Echo Sabre 1.632492 -0.386254
Black King Bar 1.157189 0.457253
Magic Wand 0.818291 -1.501860
Soul Ring 0.574423 -1.308670
Arcane Boots 0.471118 -1.039292
Bottle 0.453222 -1.379415
Bracer -0.038900 -1.471929
Aghanim'S Scepter 0.111223 0.538883
Daedalus 0.160991 1.028661
Phase Boots -0.021686 -0.930452
Assault Cuirass 0.196413 1.042266
Harpoon 0.091645 0.702142
Phylactery -0.313060 -0.454279
Silver Edge -0.080558 1.219130
Moon Shard -0.160381 0.430043
Shadow Blade -0.393861 -0.114155
Crystalys -0.399095 -0.712773
Sange And Yasha -0.230832 0.484463
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.385101 -0.318229
Force Staff -0.413299 -0.549513
Boots Of Travel -0.445976 -0.386254
Blade Mail -0.586016 -0.603933
Monkey King Bar -0.582071 0.919821
Overwhelming Blink -0.551357 1.953797
Tranquil Boots -0.611613 -1.243366
Null Talisman -0.618073 -1.471929
Swift Blink -0.586831 1.953797
Wind Waker -0.594203 1.967402
Satanic -0.595632 1.001451
Lotus Orb -0.630544 0.348413
Wraith Band -0.658495 -1.471929
Heart Of Tarrasque -0.619347 1.028661
Octarine Core -0.622587 0.756562
Kaya And Sange -0.635596 0.484463
Pipe Of Insight -0.652772 0.089919
Glimmer Cape -0.670950 -0.576723
Linken'S Sphere -0.658203 0.756562
Aether Lens -0.671165 -0.508699
Manta Style -0.668467 0.756562
Guardian Greaves -0.667622 1.001451