There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Aghanim'S Scepter 3.327353 0.558238
Blink Dagger 2.448770 -0.577442
Bottle 2.138584 -1.494722
Ethereal Blade 2.125483 0.820318
Null Talisman 1.070468 -1.593730
Aether Lens 0.625028 -0.562882
Arcane Blink 0.726355 2.072478
Aghanim'S Shard 0.556256 -1.072482
Holy Locket 0.437371 -0.490082
Guardian Greaves 0.290882 1.053278
Scythe Of Vyse -0.087323 1.344478
Yasha And Kaya -0.099362 0.499998
Kaya And Sange -0.082263 0.499998
Black King Bar -0.251461 0.470878
Arcane Boots -0.412012 -1.130722
Linken'S Sphere -0.277428 0.791198
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.421134 -0.359042
Wind Waker -0.293934 2.087038
Magic Wand -0.570655 -1.625762
Phylactery -0.491901 -0.504642
Glimmer Cape -0.502509 -0.635682
Meteor Hammer -0.410242 -0.490082
Shiva'S Guard -0.466060 0.936798
Pipe Of Insight -0.483754 0.077758
Solar Crest -0.537672 -0.475522
Dagon -0.689231 -0.228002
Octarine Core -0.576672 0.791198
Soul Ring -0.675190 -1.419010
Hand Of Midas -0.689710 -0.606562
Refresher Orb -0.600495 1.024158
Force Staff -0.661534 -0.606562
Mekansm -0.709162 -0.854082
Lotus Orb -0.715313 0.354398
Boots Of Travel -0.757433 -0.431842
Rod Of Atos -0.752556 -0.577442
Crimson Guard -0.765278 0.281598
Overwhelming Blink -0.766264 2.072478