There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Arcane Boots 3.355620 -1.069784
Kaya And Sange 1.938106 0.526728
Aghanim'S Scepter 1.732923 0.583746
Shiva'S Guard 1.827708 0.954365
Bracer 0.822193 -1.523079
Blink Dagger 0.773998 -0.528110
Magic Wand 0.494437 -1.554439
Aghanim'S Shard 0.961181 -1.012765
Eternal Shroud 0.604797 -0.043455
Soul Ring 0.139346 -1.352024
Pipe Of Insight 0.117291 0.113345
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.125688 -0.314292
Blade Mail -0.160945 -0.613637
Lotus Orb -0.032450 0.384182
Bloodstone -0.157482 0.697783
Black King Bar -0.347052 0.498219
Veil Of Discord -0.581147 -0.941493
Bottle -0.544650 -1.426148
Guardian Greaves -0.514182 1.068401
Scythe Of Vyse -0.553522 1.353493
Heart Of Tarrasque -0.597659 1.096910
Crimson Guard -0.657525 0.312909
Wind Waker -0.624820 2.080476
Octarine Core -0.654806 0.811819
Vanguard -0.782047 -0.841711
Heaven'S Halberd -0.792501 0.213127
Null Talisman -0.796077 -1.523079
Meteor Hammer -0.744026 -0.442583
Boots Of Travel -0.778163 -0.385564
Overwhelming Blink -0.792118 2.066221
Yasha And Kaya -0.821777 0.526728
Linken'S Sphere -0.843161 0.811819
Rod Of Atos -0.865799 -0.528110