There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Blink Dagger 3.138501 -0.595493
Bracer 2.228441 -1.716429
Phase Boots 2.339732 -1.077270
Aghanim'S Shard 2.394030 -1.141507
Vladmir'S Offering 1.431700 -0.467018
Magic Wand 1.062387 -1.751759
Shiva'S Guard 1.227357 1.074670
Arcane Boots 0.587212 -1.205744
Aghanim'S Scepter 0.719508 0.657129
Pipe Of Insight 0.500656 0.127174
Eternal Shroud 0.406543 -0.049478
Blade Mail -0.095432 -0.691848
Guardian Greaves 0.138720 1.203144
Mage Slayer -0.046400 -0.434900
Soul Ring -0.243046 -1.523718
Refresher Orb -0.126880 1.171026
Lotus Orb -0.362313 0.432300
Veil Of Discord -0.527630 -1.061211
Assault Cuirass -0.316891 1.251322
Heart Of Tarrasque -0.354119 1.235263
Desolator -0.489538 0.207470
Daedalus -0.468574 1.235263
Black King Bar -0.535677 0.560774
Radiance -0.522192 1.203144
Satanic -0.506134 1.203144
Heaven'S Halberd -0.585259 0.239589
Crimson Guard -0.584710 0.352004
Harpoon -0.553194 0.849841
Octarine Core -0.554671 0.914078
Overwhelming Blink -0.581704 2.327292
Sange And Yasha -0.618932 0.592892
Power Treads -0.698457 -1.141507
Crystalys -0.701738 -0.820322
Mekansm -0.743634 -0.900618
Boots Of Travel -0.661500 -0.434900
Vanguard -0.736427 -0.948796
Echo Sabre -0.757372 -0.434900
Scythe Of Vyse -0.741986 1.524329
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.761084 -0.354604
Solar Crest -0.762851 -0.483078
Force Staff -0.780002 -0.627611
Meteor Hammer -0.756442 -0.499137