There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Bracer 4.377500 -1.698191
Arcane Boots 3.874159 -1.211710
Octarine Core 2.272044 0.807645
Aghanim'S Scepter 2.075602 0.562874
Aghanim'S Shard 1.911434 -1.150517
Aether Lens 1.427562 -0.615082
Magic Wand 1.137802 -1.731847
Ethereal Blade 1.265427 0.838241
Tranquil Boots 0.378897 -1.441182
Force Staff 0.388441 -0.660977
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 0.339628 -0.400908
Guardian Greaves 0.530527 1.083011
Glimmer Cape 0.283844 -0.691573
Null Talisman 0.136235 -1.698191
Soul Ring 0.082910 -1.514613
Scythe Of Vyse 0.173277 1.388974
Rod Of Atos -0.057602 -0.630380
Heart Of Tarrasque -0.039766 1.113607
Power Treads -0.224787 -1.150517
Wraith Band -0.281849 -1.698191
Hurricane Pike -0.191722 0.715856
Moon Shard -0.170694 0.440489
Pipe Of Insight -0.239827 0.058036
Boots Of Travel -0.231606 -0.477399
Kaya And Sange -0.313278 0.501682
Yasha And Kaya -0.344890 0.501682
Wind Waker -0.355864 2.169179
Hand Of Midas -0.455128 -0.660977
Dragon Lance -0.461111 -0.844554
Mjollnir -0.412668 1.358378
Black King Bar -0.436080 0.471086
Daedalus -0.419177 1.113607
Solar Crest -0.429954 -0.523294
Aeon Disk -0.427283 -0.171436
Mekansm -0.495923 -0.921045
Linken'S Sphere -0.434168 0.807645
Lotus Orb -0.451617 0.348700
Orchid Malevolence -0.493454 0.119228
Gleipnir -0.482847 1.450167
Shadow Blade -0.500256 -0.171436
Bottle -0.506439 -1.594163
Maelstrom -0.551079 -0.355014
Mask Of Madness -0.525918 -0.921045
Spirit Vessel -0.512253 -0.306060
Monkey King Bar -0.505859 0.991222
Bloodstone -0.493665 0.685260
Crystalys -0.536753 -0.844554
Shiva'S Guard -0.489164 0.960626
Witch Blade -0.524216 -0.416207
Meteor Hammer -0.481857 -0.538592
Bloodthorn -0.522374 1.970303
Blink Dagger -0.528677 -0.630380
Crimson Guard -0.529940 0.272210
Boots Of Bearing -0.530756 0.608769
Butterfly -0.545499 1.037117
Manta Style -0.557758 0.807645
Eye Of Skadi -0.548505 1.235993
Blade Mail -0.569440 -0.722169
Veil Of Discord -0.572232 -1.074027
Silver Edge -0.563535 1.327781
Eternal Shroud -0.566790 -0.110244
Boots Of Travel 2 -0.568876 0.746452
Satanic -0.572152 1.083011