There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Bracer 4.671674 -1.744917
Arcane Boots 3.840283 -1.252801
Aghanim'S Scepter 2.118442 0.542341
Octarine Core 2.096894 0.789947
Aghanim'S Shard 1.959069 -1.190899
Ethereal Blade 1.617007 0.820898
Aether Lens 1.284800 -0.649262
Magic Wand 1.071660 -1.778963
Null Talisman 0.366193 -1.744917
Tranquil Boots 0.319321 -1.484931
Force Staff 0.353972 -0.695688
Guardian Greaves 0.602765 1.068503
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 0.315623 -0.432607
Glimmer Cape 0.317353 -0.726639
Scythe Of Vyse 0.227482 1.378011
Wraith Band -0.110525 -1.744917
Soul Ring -0.080287 -1.559213
Heart Of Tarrasque 0.081357 1.099454
Hurricane Pike -0.039574 0.697095
Power Treads -0.175629 -1.190899
Rod Of Atos -0.150111 -0.664737
Moon Shard -0.052706 0.418538
Hand Of Midas -0.217593 -0.695688
Boots Of Travel -0.133465 -0.509984
Daedalus -0.206763 1.099454
Pipe Of Insight -0.284504 0.031654
Black King Bar -0.299813 0.449489
Kaya And Sange -0.343174 0.480440
Yasha And Kaya -0.342322 0.480440
Mjollnir -0.395081 1.347060
Wind Waker -0.360080 2.167254
Dragon Lance -0.470486 -0.881392
Butterfly -0.380686 1.022077
Aeon Disk -0.442191 -0.200476
Monkey King Bar -0.432675 0.975651
Linken'S Sphere -0.431289 0.789947
Eye Of Skadi -0.401421 1.223257
Gleipnir -0.469980 1.439912
Orchid Malevolence -0.504357 0.093556
Satanic -0.400530 1.068503
Lotus Orb -0.469836 0.325686
Bottle -0.517783 -1.639685
Shadow Blade -0.531691 -0.200476
Bloodthorn -0.488430 1.966074
Shiva'S Guard -0.485123 0.944701
Mekansm -0.552774 -0.958769
Maelstrom -0.577333 -0.386181
Crystalys -0.559069 -0.881392
Witch Blade -0.541896 -0.448082
Bloodstone -0.513711 0.666144
Meteor Hammer -0.497257 -0.571885
Mask Of Madness -0.550819 -0.958769
Solar Crest -0.522573 -0.556410
Spirit Vessel -0.540202 -0.336659
Boots Of Travel 2 -0.486703 0.728045
Blink Dagger -0.541770 -0.664737
Manta Style -0.542691 0.789947
Silver Edge -0.559490 1.316109
Desolator -0.551580 0.109031
Eternal Shroud -0.574569 -0.138575
Boots Of Bearing -0.573356 0.588767
Veil Of Discord -0.591781 -1.113523
Blade Mail -0.593005 -0.757589
Crimson Guard -0.584526 0.248309
Assault Cuirass -0.575123 1.114929
Sange And Yasha -0.595565 0.480440