There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Power Treads 3.594726 -1.173551
Aghanim'S Shard 2.458142 -1.173551
Diffusal Blade 1.653164 -0.547362
Aghanim'S Scepter 2.066072 0.420385
Wraith Band 0.710552 -1.683041
Black King Bar 0.916404 0.334995
Magic Wand 0.604775 -1.714350
Silver Edge 0.487218 1.131963
Shadow Blade -0.159439 -0.262731
Skull Basher 0.142295 -0.333888
Eye Of Skadi 0.268636 1.046574
Orb Of Corrosion -0.091190 -1.443951
Echo Sabre -0.199164 -0.547362
Harpoon -0.066560 0.591163
Mage Slayer -0.226923 -0.547362
Sange And Yasha -0.215309 0.363458
Monkey King Bar -0.279326 0.818869
Disperser -0.245891 1.274279
Abyssal Blade -0.265238 1.630068
Orchid Malevolence -0.466916 0.007669
Linken'S Sphere -0.406658 0.648090
Bloodthorn -0.394882 1.729689
Bracer -0.608138 -1.683041
Hand Of Midas -0.676565 -0.718141
Nullifier -0.562660 0.719248
Butterfly -0.538008 0.861563
Radiance -0.661165 0.904258
Phase Boots -0.745607 -1.116625
Moon Shard -0.719857 0.306532
Null Talisman -0.769254 -1.683041
Blink Dagger -0.741077 -0.689678
Boots Of Travel -0.752404 -0.547362
Manta Style -0.779029 0.648090
Octarine Core -0.765132 0.648090
Satanic -0.779074 0.904258
Refresher Orb -0.786518 0.875795