The correlation between Cost and Wins is -0.54. The more Cost, the less Wins, and vice versa. But some values are higher than expected, some are lower. Efficiency is a difference between the value of Wins depending on Cost (blue dots) with respect to the expected value (red line).
Efficiency | |
Blink Dagger | 301973.3200 |
Power Treads | 204255.8550 |
Aghanim'S Scepter | 188344.8970 |
Aghanim'S Shard | 180618.2104 |
Bottle | 86380.0467 |
Linken'S Sphere | 69935.7605 |
Octarine Core | 68445.6500 |
Mjollnir | 56689.9933 |
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity | 48943.8700 |
Witch Blade | 41324.5793 |
Wind Waker | 21410.2732 |
Arcane Blink | 8029.4506 |
Overwhelming Blink | 7921.5716 |
Daedalus | 2797.3376 |
Revenant'S Brooch | -13408.8778 |
Gleipnir | -24240.3593 |
Scythe Of Vyse | -26509.3050 |
Monkey King Bar | -38821.9560 |
Refresher Orb | -45782.6962 |
Shiva'S Guard | -49293.7742 |
Kaya And Sange | -54291.7287 |
Black King Bar | -64672.0422 |
Yasha And Kaya | -71827.7787 |
Maelstrom | -80536.0760 |
Boots Of Travel | -83092.3769 |
Null Talisman | -84974.3982 |
Desolator | -93978.5383 |
Magic Wand | -102382.1053 |
Aeon Disk | -114685.7556 |
Crystalys | -148352.4686 |
Arcane Boots | -190220.5782 |