The correlation between Cost and Wins is -0.54. The more Cost, the less Wins, and vice versa. But some values are higher than expected, some are lower. Efficiency is a difference between the value of Wins depending on Cost (blue dots) with respect to the expected value (red line).
Blink Dagger 301973.3200
Power Treads 204255.8550
Aghanim'S Scepter 188344.8970
Aghanim'S Shard 180618.2104
Bottle 86380.0467
Linken'S Sphere 69935.7605
Octarine Core 68445.6500
Mjollnir 56689.9933
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 48943.8700
Witch Blade 41324.5793
Wind Waker 21410.2732
Arcane Blink 8029.4506
Overwhelming Blink 7921.5716
Daedalus 2797.3376
Revenant'S Brooch -13408.8778
Gleipnir -24240.3593
Scythe Of Vyse -26509.3050
Monkey King Bar -38821.9560
Refresher Orb -45782.6962
Shiva'S Guard -49293.7742
Kaya And Sange -54291.7287
Black King Bar -64672.0422
Yasha And Kaya -71827.7787
Maelstrom -80536.0760
Boots Of Travel -83092.3769
Null Talisman -84974.3982
Desolator -93978.5383
Magic Wand -102382.1053
Aeon Disk -114685.7556
Crystalys -148352.4686
Arcane Boots -190220.5782