The correlation between Cost and Wins is -0.51. The more Cost, the less Wins, and vice versa. But some values are higher than expected, some are lower. Efficiency is a difference between the value of Wins depending on Cost (blue dots) with respect to the expected value (red line).
Blink Dagger 398918.3805
Power Treads 272214.7548
Aghanim'S Scepter 251705.6575
Aghanim'S Shard 213541.3730
Bottle 118098.5699
Mjollnir 92446.9950
Witch Blade 86113.8558
Octarine Core 70740.8922
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 70007.7405
Linken'S Sphere 63636.1869
Wind Waker 17019.8941
Daedalus 12229.7751
Arcane Blink -1480.5126
Overwhelming Blink -2660.0201
Gleipnir -23790.2820
Scythe Of Vyse -32224.7047
Monkey King Bar -44185.4914
Refresher Orb -55372.0360
Shiva'S Guard -58384.9945
Kaya And Sange -62453.1874
Black King Bar -74242.2657
Maelstrom -76188.8217
Yasha And Kaya -85892.8495
Null Talisman -91115.9237
Boots Of Travel -100173.1953
Desolator -110150.8453
Magic Wand -130765.6387
Aeon Disk -137217.3374
Meteor Hammer -163849.1518
Crystalys -179232.5396
Arcane Boots -237294.2778