The correlation between Cost and Wins is -0.53. The more Cost, the less Wins, and vice versa. But some values are higher than expected, some are lower. Efficiency is a difference between the value of Wins depending on Cost (blue dots) with respect to the expected value (red line).
Blink Dagger 327000.1949
Power Treads 220045.9178
Aghanim'S Scepter 206103.0308
Aghanim'S Shard 191540.0313
Bottle 93844.0858
Mjollnir 69109.9491
Linken'S Sphere 66182.8774
Octarine Core 66080.2726
Witch Blade 55431.2054
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 53846.4870
Wind Waker 20433.7354
Daedalus 8029.2595
Overwhelming Blink 6267.3063
Arcane Blink 5759.3052
Gleipnir -25164.5582
Scythe Of Vyse -30635.2573
Monkey King Bar -43876.9405
Refresher Orb -52511.1614
Shiva'S Guard -56204.7711
Kaya And Sange -61107.3091
Black King Bar -71737.9803
Maelstrom -79899.5023
Yasha And Kaya -80485.9261
Boots Of Travel -89939.7364
Null Talisman -91083.3404
Desolator -102831.1000
Magic Wand -113550.9274
Aeon Disk -125135.6220
Crystalys -159247.5165
Arcane Boots -206262.0094