There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Manta Style 3.124140 0.523821
Butterfly 2.230605 0.728958
Arcane Boots 1.596787 -1.281381
Eye Of Skadi 1.995471 0.906743
Magic Wand 0.881563 -1.746357
Aghanim'S Shard 1.285777 -1.226677
Daedalus 1.273655 0.797336
Aghanim'S Scepter 0.916249 0.305009
Power Treads 0.633993 -1.226677
Wraith Band -0.247174 -1.716270
Monkey King Bar -0.022191 0.687930
Hurricane Pike -0.070280 0.441766
Crystalys -0.403454 -0.953162
Null Talisman -0.385386 -1.716270
Disperser -0.307186 1.125555
Black King Bar -0.403177 0.222954
Dragon Lance -0.526896 -0.953162
Linken'S Sphere -0.498863 0.523821
Kaya And Sange -0.524923 0.250306
Radiance -0.568299 0.769985
Maelstrom -0.653696 -0.515537
Diffusal Blade -0.634727 -0.624944
Mjollnir -0.581672 1.016149
Gleipnir -0.611426 1.098203
Boots Of Travel -0.596117 -0.624944
Swift Blink -0.600415 1.727289
Silver Edge -0.625025 0.988797
Falcon Blade -0.704108 -1.377111
Blink Dagger -0.690869 -0.761701
Phylactery -0.715731 -0.693322
Bloodthorn -0.700506 1.563180
Octarine Core -0.707884 0.523821
Boots Of Travel 2 -0.713624 0.469118
Eternal Shroud -0.723056 -0.296725
Scythe Of Vyse -0.721556 1.043500