There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Blink Dagger 3.085674 -0.620092
Phase Boots 2.901710 -1.062120
Bracer 1.935394 -1.648544
Black King Bar 2.190747 0.440776
Aghanim'S Shard 2.198635 -1.121057
Soul Ring 0.734693 -1.471733
Magic Wand 0.329843 -1.680959
Desolator 0.598603 0.116622
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 0.416847 -0.399078
Refresher Orb -0.075886 1.000678
Blade Mail -0.291336 -0.708497
Assault Cuirass -0.120906 1.074349
Shiva'S Guard -0.142355 0.912272
Octarine Core -0.191788 0.764930
Pipe Of Insight -0.347152 0.042950
Wind Waker -0.319539 2.076280
Scythe Of Vyse -0.362628 1.324832
Overwhelming Blink -0.353999 2.061545
Arcane Boots -0.475416 -1.179994
Heaven'S Halberd -0.465415 0.146090
Lotus Orb -0.455684 0.322902
Vladmir'S Offering -0.460630 -0.502218
Satanic -0.461353 1.030146
Aghanim'S Scepter -0.482172 0.529181
Crimson Guard -0.504559 0.249230
Heart Of Tarrasque -0.473411 1.059615
Boots Of Travel -0.501463 -0.472749
Eternal Shroud -0.543438 -0.119127
Bottle -0.569800 -1.548351
Power Treads -0.578095 -1.121057
Veil Of Discord -0.599084 -1.047386
Vanguard -0.621060 -0.944246
Daedalus -0.588886 1.059615
Mage Slayer -0.624356 -0.472749
Linken'S Sphere -0.618850 0.764930
Armlet Of Mordiggian -0.638931 -0.487483
Orchid Malevolence -0.634473 0.101887
Radiance -0.630920 1.030146
Guardian Greaves -0.629699 1.030146
Meteor Hammer -0.628860 -0.531686