There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Phase Boots 3.831263 -0.960786
Black King Bar 3.436299 0.687060
Bracer 2.359807 -1.603769
Magic Wand 1.683677 -1.639311
Aghanim'S Shard 2.036005 -1.025407
Skull Basher 1.794913 -0.072242
Aghanim'S Scepter 1.576016 0.783992
Crystalys 0.152617 -0.702300
Daedalus 0.370051 1.365584
Armlet Of Mordiggian 0.175556 -0.330727
Orb Of Corrosion 0.067004 -1.332359
Blink Dagger 0.071145 -0.476126
Wraith Band -0.165070 -1.603769
Battle Fury -0.234576 0.738757
Abyssal Blade -0.131039 2.157196
Power Treads -0.251215 -1.025407
Solar Crest -0.164516 -0.363038
Monkey King Bar -0.246845 1.236341
Arcane Boots -0.346494 -1.090029
Bottle -0.329978 -1.493912
Sange And Yasha -0.298247 0.719370
Nullifier -0.351909 1.123254
Vladmir'S Offering -0.349440 -0.346883
Satanic -0.365364 1.333273
Desolator -0.401229 0.331642
Diffusal Blade -0.445502 -0.314572
Tranquil Boots -0.475453 -1.332359
Null Talisman -0.455061 -1.603769
Orchid Malevolence -0.451425 0.315487
Blade Mail -0.474275 -0.573058
Heaven'S Halberd -0.469103 0.363953
Boots Of Bearing -0.452075 0.832458
Pipe Of Insight -0.464493 0.250865
Meteor Hammer -0.420484 -0.379193
Boots Of Travel -0.469784 -0.314572
Linken'S Sphere -0.479245 1.042477
Lotus Orb -0.487831 0.557817
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.502284 -0.233795
Hand Of Midas -0.530328 -0.508436
Maelstrom -0.529842 -0.185329
Aether Lens -0.513208 -0.459970
Vanguard -0.524333 -0.831543
Gleipnir -0.502057 1.721002
Force Staff -0.523569 -0.508436
Glimmer Cape -0.522435 -0.540747
Spirit Vessel -0.526468 -0.133632
Drum Of Endurance -0.526520 -0.831543
Silver Edge -0.532027 1.591759
Harpoon -0.524379 0.977856
Crimson Guard -0.528734 0.477040
Assault Cuirass -0.522712 1.381740
Guardian Greaves -0.532417 1.333273
Eye Of Skadi -0.532392 1.494827