There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Phase Boots 4.131974 -0.927088
Black King Bar 3.462885 0.648378
Magic Wand 1.952989 -1.575810
Aghanim'S Shard 2.179025 -0.988871
Bracer 1.398311 -1.541829
Aghanim'S Scepter 1.816999 0.741053
Skull Basher 1.500769 -0.077572
Crystalys 0.305186 -0.679956
Daedalus 0.569388 1.297100
Solar Crest 0.291252 -0.355596
Armlet Of Mordiggian 0.029854 -0.324704
Sange And Yasha 0.096940 0.679270
Orb Of Corrosion -0.015337 -1.282341
Blink Dagger -0.009854 -0.463716
Wraith Band -0.127219 -1.541829
Power Treads -0.257824 -0.988871
Maelstrom -0.266154 -0.185692
Monkey King Bar -0.251706 1.173534
Battle Fury -0.310208 0.697805
Abyssal Blade -0.205635 2.053942
Bottle -0.308008 -1.436798
Vladmir'S Offering -0.336236 -0.340150
Nullifier -0.341001 1.065414
Satanic -0.338178 1.266209
Arcane Boots -0.412196 -1.050655
Gleipnir -0.342965 1.636907
Tranquil Boots -0.459056 -1.282341
Boots Of Bearing -0.414021 0.787390
Diffusal Blade -0.439549 -0.309258
Desolator -0.413548 0.308572
Orchid Malevolence -0.461352 0.293126
Manta Style -0.428146 0.988185
Blade Mail -0.504934 -0.556390
Linken'S Sphere -0.461979 0.988185
Glimmer Cape -0.507182 -0.525499
Heaven'S Halberd -0.504417 0.339463
Lotus Orb -0.497264 0.524812
Pipe Of Insight -0.501423 0.231343
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.515921 -0.232030
Null Talisman -0.518624 -1.541829
Boots Of Travel -0.494210 -0.309258
Hand Of Midas -0.545647 -0.494607
Drum Of Endurance -0.539428 -0.803522
Silver Edge -0.531785 1.513341
Aether Lens -0.533713 -0.448270
Shadow Blade -0.555068 -0.000343
Vanguard -0.549750 -0.803522
Soul Ring -0.550019 -1.356480
Spirit Vessel -0.548335 -0.136266
Force Staff -0.551173 -0.494607
Harpoon -0.544389 0.926402
Assault Cuirass -0.543500 1.312546
Eye Of Skadi -0.547084 1.420666
Bloodthorn -0.551534 2.162062