There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Arcane Boots 4.272892 -1.034688
Gleipnir 3.894893 1.643602
Magic Wand 2.153981 -1.558032
Aghanim'S Shard 1.832000 -0.973118
Daedalus 0.994791 1.304967
Maelstrom 0.137933 -0.172710
Wraith Band 0.344461 -1.524169
Crystalys 0.149057 -0.665269
Aether Lens 0.222319 -0.434382
Force Staff 0.150619 -0.480559
Desolator 0.195853 0.319849
Glimmer Cape -0.091073 -0.511344
Rod Of Atos -0.230842 -0.449774
Hurricane Pike -0.000648 0.904763
Power Treads -0.195989 -0.973118
Aghanim'S Scepter -0.035459 0.750838
Bracer -0.196763 -1.524169
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.207416 -0.218887
Ethereal Blade -0.165694 1.027903
Guardian Greaves -0.135521 1.274182
Scythe Of Vyse -0.249121 1.582032
Linken'S Sphere -0.255045 0.997118
Dragon Lance -0.371951 -0.665269
Null Talisman -0.371424 -1.524169
Falcon Blade -0.405381 -1.142435
Boots Of Travel -0.366179 -0.295850
Blink Dagger -0.387910 -0.449774
Spirit Vessel -0.423197 -0.123454
Monkey King Bar -0.422679 1.181828
Mage Slayer -0.427674 -0.295850
Solar Crest -0.418271 -0.342027
Eye Of Skadi -0.420757 1.428107
Black King Bar -0.452990 0.658484
Lotus Orb -0.437947 0.535344
Octarine Core -0.438834 0.997118
Aeon Disk -0.462744 0.012000
Bottle -0.501182 -1.419500
Orchid Malevolence -0.493398 0.304457
Phase Boots -0.514104 -0.911548
Pipe Of Insight -0.501383 0.242887
Tranquil Boots -0.535787 -1.265575
Wind Waker -0.505013 2.367048
Mekansm -0.534707 -0.742231
Vladmir'S Offering -0.517405 -0.326634
Mjollnir -0.527219 1.551247
Shadow Blade -0.547324 0.012000
Meteor Hammer -0.494473 -0.357419
Witch Blade -0.551586 -0.234280
Silver Edge -0.553707 1.520462