There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Blink Dagger 3.609760 -0.355445
Black King Bar 2.373124 0.854087
Aghanim'S Scepter 1.458413 0.954881
Aghanim'S Shard 0.933197 -0.926613
Arcane Boots 0.553731 -0.993809
Magic Wand 0.615673 -1.564977
Tranquil Boots 0.279766 -1.245795
Refresher Orb 0.370062 1.492451
Boots Of Bearing 0.235287 1.005279
Bracer -0.014334 -1.528019
Octarine Core -0.040481 1.223666
Vladmir'S Offering -0.177534 -0.221052
Hand Of Midas -0.326143 -0.389043
Soul Ring -0.532362 -1.326430
Linken'S Sphere -0.453289 1.223666
Pipe Of Insight -0.459430 0.400513
Drum Of Endurance -0.586554 -0.725024
Null Talisman -0.556278 -1.528019
Guardian Greaves -0.522173 1.526049
Boots Of Travel -0.523406 -0.187454
Aether Lens -0.571926 -0.338646
Glimmer Cape -0.664357 -0.422641
Shadow Blade -0.684353 0.148527
Aeon Disk -0.680493 0.148527
Mekansm -0.722936 -0.674627
Crimson Guard -0.721352 0.635699
Shiva'S Guard -0.721688 1.391657
Radiance -0.732756 1.526049
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity -0.737168 -0.103459