There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 3.026405 -0.361260
Null Talisman 2.300522 -1.650642
Aghanim'S Scepter 2.808886 0.596654
Shiva'S Guard 2.864379 0.991983
Aghanim'S Shard 2.244500 -1.106304
Magic Wand 1.729945 -1.684093
Phase Boots 1.618309 -1.045484
Black King Bar 1.200427 0.505424
Arcane Boots 0.825371 -1.167124
Kaya And Sange 1.108078 0.535834
Bottle 0.705064 -1.547249
Boots Of Travel 0.606696 -0.437285
Octarine Core 0.538136 0.839933
Eternal Shroud 0.132890 -0.072365
Guardian Greaves 0.245176 1.113623
Power Treads -0.016572 -1.106304
Bloodstone 0.007737 0.718294
Witch Blade -0.081282 -0.376465
Wind Waker 0.077499 2.193177
Veil Of Discord -0.315175 -1.030279
Blade Mail -0.216972 -0.680565
Heart Of Tarrasque -0.039732 1.144033
Pipe Of Insight -0.108899 0.094889
Linken'S Sphere -0.136776 0.839933
Bracer -0.350757 -1.650642
Shadow Blade -0.470458 -0.133185
Rod Of Atos -0.458099 -0.589335
Lotus Orb -0.427807 0.383784
Blink Dagger -0.451442 -0.589335
Scythe Of Vyse -0.451054 1.417723
Refresher Orb -0.526919 1.083213
Meteor Hammer -0.558373 -0.498105
Aether Lens -0.593129 -0.574130
Assault Cuirass -0.535888 1.159238
Heaven'S Halberd -0.589338 0.201324
Aeon Disk -0.602503 -0.133185
Crimson Guard -0.589060 0.307759
Glimmer Cape -0.618683 -0.650155
Yasha And Kaya -0.591342 0.535834
Force Staff -0.633234 -0.619745
Radiance -0.610315 1.113623
Tranquil Boots -0.651682 -1.395199
Spirit Vessel -0.637479 -0.266989
Mekansm -0.673132 -0.878229
Ethereal Blade -0.642638 0.870343
Falcon Blade -0.656868 -1.273559
Gleipnir -0.645459 1.478543
Wraith Band -0.662743 -1.650642
Vanguard -0.677962 -0.923844
Boots Of Travel 2 -0.657484 0.779114
Silver Edge -0.672800 1.356903
Sange And Yasha -0.668351 0.535834
Hand Of Midas -0.693199 -0.619745
Mage Slayer -0.685634 -0.437285
Hurricane Pike -0.680945 0.748704
Boots Of Bearing -0.684406 0.642269
Solar Crest -0.692453 -0.482900
Eye Of Skadi -0.691300 1.265673
Overwhelming Blink -0.691675 2.177972