There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Aghanim'S Scepter 3.705474 0.665219
Arcane Boots 2.682233 -1.076589
Aghanim'S Shard 3.059242 -1.016527
Magic Wand 2.226375 -1.587119
Eul'S Scepter Of Divinity 2.091945 -0.280763
Tranquil Boots 1.032401 -1.301823
Null Talisman 0.727298 -1.554085
Moon Shard 1.142818 0.545094
Glimmer Cape 0.539782 -0.566059
Power Treads 0.381244 -1.016527
Blink Dagger 0.481727 -0.505997
Force Staff 0.225347 -0.536028
Bracer 0.169522 -1.554085
Aether Lens 0.086902 -0.490981
Hand Of Midas -0.120291 -0.536028
Mask Of Madness -0.088856 -0.791293
Wraith Band -0.192909 -1.554085
Witch Blade -0.264349 -0.295779
Hurricane Pike -0.279125 0.815375
Octarine Core -0.274542 0.905468
Spirit Vessel -0.362952 -0.187667
Monkey King Bar -0.356311 1.085655
Guardian Greaves -0.290847 1.175749
Dragon Lance -0.430499 -0.716215
Aeon Disk -0.374385 -0.055529
Orchid Malevolence -0.430092 0.229767
Black King Bar -0.417802 0.575125
Rod Of Atos -0.439109 -0.505997
Bottle -0.501988 -1.451979
Boots Of Travel -0.431876 -0.355841
Shadow Blade -0.507348 -0.055529
Wind Waker -0.449886 2.241855
Linken'S Sphere -0.497216 0.905468
Bloodthorn -0.499536 2.046653
Gleipnir -0.546719 1.536123
Daedalus -0.552429 1.205780
Maelstrom -0.609506 -0.235716
Boots Of Bearing -0.531259 0.710266
Pipe Of Insight -0.545415 0.169704
Lotus Orb -0.552578 0.455001
Solar Crest -0.565555 -0.400888
Urn Of Shadows -0.619974 -1.328851
Scythe Of Vyse -0.562819 1.476061
Crystalys -0.595830 -0.716215
Mjollnir -0.579444 1.446029
Meteor Hammer -0.489659 -0.415903
Silver Edge -0.603944 1.415998
Mekansm -0.638101 -0.791293
Drum Of Endurance -0.671454 -0.836340
Eye Of Skadi -0.663126 1.325905
Desolator -0.670191 0.244782
Yasha And Kaya -0.671131 0.605156
Ethereal Blade -0.673260 0.935499