There is no correlation between Wins and Cost and there are no clusters. The values are standardized.
Wins Cost
Desolator 3.114576 0.144981
Power Treads 2.514508 -0.997149
Bloodthorn 2.500986 1.776595
Aghanim'S Shard 1.460484 -0.997149
Magic Wand 0.739111 -1.513827
Daedalus 1.061334 1.015175
Orchid Malevolence 0.309259 0.131384
Wraith Band 0.370445 -1.483914
Black King Bar 0.474026 0.444110
Falcon Blade 0.251578 -1.146714
Arcane Boots 0.156990 -1.051537
Dragon Lance -0.091059 -0.725214
Crystalys -0.176652 -0.725214
Scythe Of Vyse -0.073206 1.259917
Monkey King Bar -0.228741 0.906401
Hurricane Pike -0.277752 0.661658
Linken'S Sphere -0.264826 0.743239
Nullifier -0.306398 0.811223
Aghanim'S Scepter -0.446077 0.525691
Boots Of Travel -0.465246 -0.398891
Gleipnir -0.520278 1.314304
Maelstrom -0.662653 -0.290117
Bottle -0.629836 -1.391456
Phylactery -0.654192 -0.466875
Eye Of Skadi -0.623138 1.123949
Satanic -0.645591 0.987981
Soul Ring -0.740034 -1.320753
Butterfly -0.711400 0.947191
Null Talisman -0.756325 -1.483914
Diffusal Blade -0.767055 -0.398891
Moon Shard -0.755111 0.416916
Bracer -0.791098 -1.483914
Mjollnir -0.784811 1.232723
Manta Style -0.792745 0.743239
Boots Of Travel 2 -0.789072 0.688852